Thursday, December 31, 2009

This is what I do all day

Today, I learned that the book "Grapes of Wrath" was titled "The Angry Raisins" in Japan. I think that book sounds much more interesting. MLIA

Today, I went into the bathroom where I work and saw writing on the wall. The first thing said, "I hate BJR." and underneath it someone wrote, "No one cares." Next to that, someone else wrote, "Don't worry stranger, I care." MLIA.

Today, I went shopping and walked passed some footy pajamas and told my mom I had to have some. We walked over to them and I couldn't decide between the dinosaur ones or the rocketship ones. I suddenly saw a sticker and the rocketship ones that said they glow in the dark and instantly knew I had to get those. Im 16. And a girl. MLIA.
(Next thing on my shopping list)

Today, I went out to eat with some friends. The waitress came over to us to put the silverware on the table. She said "here are your instruments of mass destruction." I will never call it silverware ever again. MLIA

For my boyfriend and I's one year, I considered getting personalized M&Ms that would have our initials. Our names are Max and Martha. MLIA


Today I was in Walmart and so we naturally started a foam sword fight. We were mid-battle when I saw a Walmart employee coming down out aisle, so I told my sister someone was coming. She stopped for a second and then stabbed me in the stomach to which the Walmart guy says "That's a cheap shot!" My faith in Walmart employees is restored. MLIA

Today, my brother was making animal chicken nuggets. While he went downstairs to wait for the oven to preheat, I took one of the hippo and broke it into three pieces. Then I had all the lions surround it while the other hippos ran off to the corner with a sticky note that said "run! run! before they get you too!" His friend thought it wasn't funny. I thought otherwise. MLIA

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Honest to BLOG?!

I'm in love.
cutest kid in the world =] well under the age of 5

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Whoever let me get a debit card was stupid

just sayin'

sorry grandma..


I bought this... just now.
I've never been more excited for my mail to come... also.. ups (hahahah ups oh man...) will be bring my TOMS!


I'm bored

I'm incredibly bored right now.. you'd think that after working all day I would be tired but nope, just bored. Maybe I should work from home.. that wouldn't be boring. It would even be productive!

My best friend is gonna come over tomorrow night... man I love winter break.
Its been real sad this past weekend, I feel like I didn't even see her or even really talk to her.
She always likes me.. that's alot different from the people that live in this house with me.

I need to go to forever 21 to shop for more plaid.. I've seem to run out. Maybe I should shop online.. I have a gift card. I need some red... Its weird but ever since Tanner told me that he thinks that girls shouldn't wear red I've been trying to wear all of my red clothes.. stupid rebellious kid.

Monday, December 28, 2009

party like a pugh... so like a homeschooler HA

Yesterday we celebrated Kameron's birthday... He is getting really really old.

We played a lot of rock, paper, scissors... I did a lot of losing.

That's my great-grandma.. shes the funny one.

Kameron opened his card the wrong way.. he was really offended because he thought it was just blank. haha

Then... for dessert... grandma gave me ice cream and whip cream... bad plan grandma. bad plan.

Funny story..
Grandma has a family that lives right next to her and they have a teenage boy who I've known as long as I can remember (I've always thought he was cute) and I've been told that he can Jerk.. so when he came over to ask my grandma if he could borrow her shovel, I yelled from the table "GRANDMA! Ask him to jerk!! ask him to jerk!!" So my grandma being a woman brought up with good wholesome manners proceeded to bring Thomas into the house so I could apologize for calling him a jerk.. haha.. so he steps inside and my grandma pointed to me and said "There. Its that one whos calling you names" and I told him that I've heard from some people he goes to school with that he can jerk and I was wondering if he would show me. He was so embarrassed and kept blushing... it was so cute and then my grandma said "well if you aren't angry with her calling you names I guess I can let you out of my house"
It was funny.
Keshia told me that she thinks that he thinks that I'm cute and that I should go for him.
Oh the things you don't know, Keshia.

Death by mystery man

I took Kourtney's phone away from here and changed my name to Mystery Man then texted her and told her I was gonna get her and she needed to be aware... she freaked out.. until she realized it was me. That was lame.
Then Kameron started restricting his calls to her and she really freaked out.
That was hilarious.

She is super loud today.

Today has been one of those days where you either fight tooth and nail to stay alive or you just break down crying... I've failed to do either one.
With this whole sickness thing I'm starting to feel like a zombie.. half dead.

I had to take my daily trip to Ottiod's vampire freak account to see if there was new pictures of my boy. T
here wasn't. Sad day.

Its one of those days that I could really just stop living and I would be completely okay with it.
I think I'm just overly stressed. Stress and sickness don't go well together.
on the bright side...
I ordered my toms today!! That's excited.

I only ordered black ones because I don't know how they will fit. But as soon as I love these ones I'm buying more.

I really love having a job, today it was incredibly stressful. That I don't like.
We took over the preschool at church and the former director didn't enter them into any kind of system... so that's my job... I worked 7 hours and I still have more to do in the morning.
I've never taken so long on one job in my life. I'm normally incredibly efficient... I think the task was just a little too big for my little self.

I've talked to my boyfriend a lot today. That's great. He wants to marry me =]
I can't wait. Our kids will be sooooooooo cute. I wish he was here I've felt incredilbly lonely lately... my best friend hasn't really talked to me for a couple-ish days now.. she thinks I'm real best friends with Tanner... I am his best friend and hes one of mine.. but no one will ever be able to replace her.
I wish she just understood that.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My favorite people =]

So God put some wonderful people in my life... I wouldn't be complete without them.

some of my favorite photos of my little men =]

My best friends =]

There is lots I could say about her...
would be one of them..
She is the person I am ALWAYS talking to.
She knows everything.
She is THE BEST best friend a person could ever ask for, she blogs :D
She is the person that keeps me sane.
The person that keeps me "fun"... well as fun as I get.
All she has to say is one word and I'm cracking up.
She has fixed me and my boyfriend so many times its insane.

Tanner :)
He's my smiley addiction buddy.
He's the guy that makes sure I know that I'm loved and that I'm cute =]
He's one of the greatest guys ever.
He is someone I am always going to love.. no matter how bad they screw up or how bad he acts. I'll always love him.
He bakes =]

The man who has changed my life for forever

(my favorite picture of him... ever)

Rylan.. mmm =]
He and I have had our ups and downs, our times where we can't stand each other.
Times when we aren't together. Times when we celebrate the birth of his brother, times when we mourn the loss of his cousin.
We don't always understand each other. We don't always like each other, but we always love each other. Always.
We have the same taste in almost everything.
He has recently fallen in love with Jesus, that was the best thing that's happen to our relationship in a long time.
Right now we are at one of those times we can't stand each other.. sometimes we have months that I like him when hes annoyed with me and I'm annoyed with him when he likes me. Its stupid, I should just be the bigger man and fix it.. I just don't know if I know how. After 19 months I should know how to fix just about any problem that comes our way... but we are still just humans. Still just teenagers.
His little brothers have been left in his care.. so.. We have two kiddos both of whom I'm completely in love with.

He looks so much older than he did when we first met. I guess that's what happens when you grow up overnight.
He is so cute. I like to just look at him. It makes my days better :)
He is just adorable. I'm thankful that my children will be adorable... well assuming he still wants to marry me after our fight this afternoon.

EW that tasted like corn

I got to hang out with some of God's most precious' gifts today.
Annika is just THE cutest thing that God has ever made. My favorite thing that happened today is when she would laugh and press her face into my neck. =]
I really think that I'll like having girls, of course I'll dress them with Chucks (like Annika) and wonderful cute girly things.

I also had George today, he is a whole different kind of wonderful.

When hes around his sister he has to protect her and be within her sight and have her in his sight at all times.

I wish someone felt that way about me. To have the need and desire to protect me.
Its one thing to be loved but its other thing to be protected.

This is the view of my porch... the amount of snow we have is

I was told by Scott (our church's weather-elf) that we are suppose to get more snow later this week... Maybe I'll get the weekend off.
Yeah right.. that will never happen.

I got all my printing done for work today.. That was super nice. Now I have more work to do

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas blizzard

I would have to say that today was my favorite Christmas in like my lifetime.
Last night it snowed FOREVER. We had the best blizzard I've ever lived through.
Today we all got ready to go to my Grandmas, the presents were loaded, all of us kids were all bundled up and we pulled out of the driveway and got stuck in the street. We had to get out to push and everything. We ended up calling my Grandpa so he would come get us so we didn't miss Christmas.
I would have to say that I have the greatest Grandparents in the world, not only did my Grandpa come get us but he got us unstuck.

So we went to Christmas dinner ate THE BEST grilled chicken (just as great as Life Grillers). Opened presents which I got:
- a target gift card
- cash
- a borders gift card
- a visa gift card (so I can buy TOMS)
and some other stuff.

Plus my great-grandma was the funniest today!
My sister just told everyone that she is pregnant, totally just blurted it out I would never do it that way, and my grandma say "Geez Kendra, I think you should have waited. Yeah you should have waited. At least a year. Didn't your doctor to tell you to wait a year?!"
"No, Grandma. He said it was perfectly fine."
"WELL, your doctor should have said to wait a year."

Shes funny. I really like my great grandma. She thinks my best friend is mentally challenged, I don't plan to tell her she isn't.

We got to hang out with my brother's new boyfriend today, he is really sweet. Unlike the last one. Apparently my great-grandma didn't like him either. "I really like Joshua. He's much better than the last one. Eric's laugh drove me up the wall!"
its really awkward that my "brother-in-law" hates gay people. I found out yesterday that my grandma (who hates my sister's husband) now doesn't go to Target because they "'support' the gays"

I get to talk to my son today. That's always great. I really wished they all lived here... but no. I'm an idiot and fell in love with people I met on the internet. Stupid Kelli.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

snow snow SNOW

Before even starting a blog I've begun to think in blogs. Its quite weird, I think its a little like talking to yourself but I do that a lot so blogging and I will be a perfect match.

I decided that today I should think about everything that has happened this past year and everything I'm thankful for. I know, I know that was suppose to happen at Thanksgiving but I didn't feel very thankful then.

Its been a pretty rough year but I'd say its been one of the greatest too.

This year I've:
-gotten the best job in the world and it just keeps getting better (my boss needs me and loves me).
- became better friends with my BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD.
- learned a lot from my mistakes.
- known several people who have died, including a really good friend of mine.
- Learned that apparently now its perfectly "normal" to want to die, to try to die, and or hurt yourself so you don't feel like dying that day (and none of it makes sense still)
- had one of my best friends fall in love with me (I don't know why I feel the need to talk about him so much. That's annoying).
- waited for things that I'm pretty sure won't happen, but I've made a promise to wait anyways.
- watched my sister go through probably the toughest year of her life and not do anything.
- worked my butt off doing way too many things.
- watched my boyfriend become a completely different person... twice.
- fell in love with my sons. They continue to become more wonderful :)
- come to terms with the fact that I'm addicted to smiley faces.

I'm sitting here with the window shade open watching the snow fall, everyone said it was gonna be a white Christmas. Who know I was gonna be wrong?!
Its so snowy out there that I can't even see where the road stops or starts for that matter.