Thursday, December 31, 2009

This is what I do all day

Today, I learned that the book "Grapes of Wrath" was titled "The Angry Raisins" in Japan. I think that book sounds much more interesting. MLIA

Today, I went into the bathroom where I work and saw writing on the wall. The first thing said, "I hate BJR." and underneath it someone wrote, "No one cares." Next to that, someone else wrote, "Don't worry stranger, I care." MLIA.

Today, I went shopping and walked passed some footy pajamas and told my mom I had to have some. We walked over to them and I couldn't decide between the dinosaur ones or the rocketship ones. I suddenly saw a sticker and the rocketship ones that said they glow in the dark and instantly knew I had to get those. Im 16. And a girl. MLIA.
(Next thing on my shopping list)

Today, I went out to eat with some friends. The waitress came over to us to put the silverware on the table. She said "here are your instruments of mass destruction." I will never call it silverware ever again. MLIA

For my boyfriend and I's one year, I considered getting personalized M&Ms that would have our initials. Our names are Max and Martha. MLIA

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