Then Kameron started restricting his calls to her and she really freaked out.
That was hilarious.
She is super loud today.
Today has been one of those days where you either fight tooth and nail to stay alive or you just break down crying... I've failed to do either one.
With this whole sickness thing I'm starting to feel like a zombie.. half dead.
I had to take my daily trip to Ottiod's vampire freak account to see if there was new pictures of my boy. There wasn't. Sad day.
Its one of those days that I could really just stop living and I would be completely okay with it.
I think I'm just overly stressed. Stress and sickness don't go well together.
on the bright side... I ordered my toms today!! That's excited.

I only ordered black ones because I don't know how they will fit. But as soon as I love these ones I'm buying more.
I really love having a job, today it was incredibly stressful. That I don't like.
We took over the preschool at church and the former director didn't enter them into any kind of system... so that's my job... I worked 7 hours and I still have more to do in the morning.
I've never taken so long on one job in my life. I'm normally incredibly efficient... I think the task was just a little too big for my little self.
I've talked to my boyfriend a lot today. That's great. He wants to marry me =]
I can't wait. Our kids will be sooooooooo cute. I wish he was here I've felt incredilbly lonely lately... my best friend hasn't really talked to me for a couple-ish days now.. she thinks I'm real best friends with Tanner... I am his best friend and hes one of mine.. but no one will ever be able to replace her.
I wish she just understood that.
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