Yesterday we celebrated Kameron's birthday... He is getting really really old.

We played a lot of rock, paper, scissors... I did a lot of losing.

That's my great-grandma.. shes the funny one.

Kameron opened his card the wrong way.. he was really offended because he thought it was just blank. haha

Then... for dessert... grandma gave me ice cream and whip cream... bad plan grandma. bad plan.
Funny story..
Grandma has a family that lives right next to her and they have a teenage boy who I've known as long as I can remember (I've always thought he was cute) and I've been told that he can Jerk.. so when he came over to ask my grandma if he could borrow her shovel, I yelled from the table "GRANDMA! Ask him to jerk!! ask him to jerk!!" So my grandma being a woman brought up with good wholesome manners proceeded to bring Thomas into the house so I could apologize for calling him a jerk.. haha.. so he steps inside and my grandma pointed to me and said "There. Its that one whos calling you names" and I told him that I've heard from some people he goes to school with that he can jerk and I was wondering if he would show me. He was so embarrassed and kept blushing... it was so cute and then my grandma said "well if you aren't angry with her calling you names I guess I can let you out of my house"
It was funny.
Keshia told me that she thinks that he thinks that I'm cute and that I should go for him.
Oh the things you don't know, Keshia.
Like what?