So God put some wonderful people in my life... I wouldn't be complete without them.
some of my favorite photos of my little men =]

My best friends =]

There is lots I could say about her...
would be one of them..
She is the person I am ALWAYS talking to.
She knows everything.
She is THE BEST best friend a person could ever ask for, she blogs :D
She is the person that keeps me sane.
The person that keeps me "fun"... well as fun as I get.
All she has to say is one word and I'm cracking up.
She has fixed me and my boyfriend so many times its insane.

Tanner :)
He's my smiley addiction buddy.
He's the guy that makes sure I know that I'm loved and that I'm cute =]
He's one of the greatest guys ever.
He is someone I am always going to love.. no matter how bad they screw up or how bad he acts. I'll always love him.
He bakes =]
The man who has changed my life for forever

(my favorite picture of him... ever)
Rylan.. mmm =]
He and I have had our ups and downs, our times where we can't stand each other.
Times when we aren't together. Times when we celebrate the birth of his brother, times when we mourn the loss of his cousin.
We don't always understand each other. We don't always like each other, but we always love each other. Always.
We have the same taste in almost everything.
He has recently fallen in love with Jesus, that was the best thing that's happen to our relationship in a long time.
Right now we are at one of those times we can't stand each other.. sometimes we have months that I like him when hes annoyed with me and I'm annoyed with him when he likes me. Its stupid, I should just be the bigger man and fix it.. I just don't know if I know how. After 19 months I should know how to fix just about any problem that comes our way... but we are still just humans. Still just teenagers.
His little brothers have been left in his care.. so.. We have two kiddos both of whom I'm completely in love with.

He looks so much older than he did when we first met. I guess that's what happens when you grow up overnight.
He is so cute. I like to just look at him. It makes my days better :)
He is just adorable. I'm thankful that my children will be adorable... well assuming he still wants to marry me after our fight this afternoon.