You know how some people just bring out THE worst in you?! Well, I have that person. He makes me crazy, he has for the past two years.
He's finally got a girlfriend and it ATTACKS my facebook news feed with all their flirting and it is just plain nasty. Makes me hate facebook for days.
Also, boyfriend has been creeping all up in my myspace world. that made me utterly nervous. that would be like kelli, the crazy ward version. i need to clean something. like a puke filled toilet.
wish i had gag reflexes. its killing me. I miss puking all my problems away. (you didn't read that)
but i don't miss being lied to.
or being only kinda loved.
I like just being with my best friend.
it just makes the whole world right.
I don't like my un.. kinda boss.
She would like to think she is my boss, but if you know less than me then you shouldn't be able to be call my "boss". Tard.
Also, my world is being stalked by previous stalkers with their stalking comments that i never received in the first place. i.d.i.o.t.
and they are on the pictures on my little children. poor kids, already being stalked. I'm sorry to put you in that place. please forgive me.
also, so everyone lets their secrets out on facebook, welp world, I got you.
I know you all love the Chiefs. only when they win. Way to be loyal. Take a lesson from the dogs.
This is gonna sound uber creepy, hold on, i miss little boys.
Like daniel and luke.
I miss being so loved by them.
But I had Benjamin in Africa so I'm praying for him and hopefully one day I can return and see him again. That would be legit! I actually wanna adopt him, but that might be out of the question.
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