Be on the lookout. I lost the keys, again.
What a freaking fail. I'm so frustrated about it. Well that and many other things, its just been one of those lovely weeks.
Plus, my editor is being funky. SWANK! Gosh!
Currently listening to She & Him. Love them to pieces.
I finally got my glasses back! Those things are boy magnets, I can't decide if thats good or bad.
I'll have to vote on that, someday.
I'm overly stressed and under... idk.. i was gonna say loved, cause that's how I'm been feeling lately, but feelings lie. I'm hoping to be home before everyone else tonight so I can clean my nasty house, maybe the Aliens will bring back my keys.
I need a good long week with no people, or work, or phones, or houses to clean.
Just me.
Psh, that would last like a day.
Don't you just love those moments that remind you of all the other awful moments that have happened to you? Yepp, me too. Big fan.
And then you talk about it and nothing good comes from it. You just get that look (you know the ONE), and you know to back off or you might get left and that is so terrible. Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't like my sarcasm? Welp, suck it.
It should be completely okay for me to not like people. If it isn't with you, you are clearly in the wrong county, people here are brutal. Watch it.
Aliens can't swim.