^ This is my I BEAT JOSH!!!!! face ^
thats right! I bet josh. He admitted that I won. HA!
I have the overwhelming feeling of stress.
what a yucky word.

so I've been stuck with this dang blog for over an hour. I just kinda sat here at stared at it for a while. I swear its the outfit thats throwing me off.
so i'm gonna be an aunt to twins, apparently the fetals already talk about my baking
(pretty sure its their mother... but whatever. Mom's don't lie right?!)
Yep, you heard, er um read right. I've decided to call them fetals until we know what sex their are. I'm slightly excited, I'm a big fan of babies and babies LOVE me so I'm banking on the fact that Kendra is gonna want me around. and if she needs me around maybe our relationship won't be so strained. I don't know. We'll see.
this was quite the random blog, i apologize. it was over the course of many hours and lots of webcam interruptions.
congratulations, you "beat" me, which you spelled wrong so i guess i win again, haha