Saturday, February 6, 2010

I could leave but I won't go. It'd be easier I know, I can't feel a thing from my head down to my toes

First, I must apologize for the lack of bloggage lately. Life has been hectic and sleep is rare.
So the result? A grumpy Kelli. And no one wants a grumpy Kelli blog. That is just wrong.

Now, prepare yourself this is going to be epic.


Slowly He speaks


Hiding deep in Me.

The family of God has NO orphans.

Those my dear friends, are my favorite lyrics of all time.
All time.
No joke.

I had a good friend last night ask me how I was, I answered him the way I always do, with what my body was feeling "Oh you know, I feel and look like a zombie". His reply?
Why do you always, ALWAYS skip over the emotional part of it.
I never knew that's what he was asking about. That never happens. Weird huh?
Maybe I just never understood the question.
One time, I had a good friend of mine ask how the real Kelli was feeling, if she was sad, wounded or alone... I didn't know the answer. I don't think about me. Really. Not like that anyways. I'm never worried about my emotional well being. Too little time for that.
So, because this question was asked I had to think. Think about what I was feeling those weren't happy words that came out.
I know, I know, yes I am happy. Truly happy. But last night at 2... well those weren't happy feelings.
Have you ever wanted to tell someone unhappy things in hopes that they will back away from you scared? Well that never works if they are one of your best friends. Don't even try it.

The point behind this blog-
Emotions are needed. Middle child or not.
People need to be aware of their own emotions and wounds before poking around yours.
I apologize for not doing this.
Consider me aware... Thursday, you cannot come soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. "Thursday, you cannot come soon enough."

    when i read this i laugh at you
    really really hard
