Sunday, February 28, 2010
"There is plaid things for a dollar at Wal-Mart!"
To say that life has been busy would be an understatement..
I've completed 7 out of my 12 performances and they are beginning to be so much fun.
The show seems like it has become super short, maybe because I'm in three scenes and then bows, but the moments I get backstage to grow the relationships I have, has been completely worth all of it.
I also have gotten to see my wonderful boyfriend a lot more than I thought I would, which is wonderful.
I really really really like him, he is the best.
I met the father tonight, it wasn't as rough as I thought it would be.. Which was super good.
Fathers are not my strong-suit
Josh's siblings are way too cute. I think high-fiving Isaiah was one of the best parts of tonight :)
Because I met the father for the first time tonight, we played the favorites game. I really liked how much Joshua already knew :) He is way too cute.
I'm a big fan of Josh's mother, she is too funny. Her and Josh are so much alike, i think it would be slightly terrifying if I wasn't like that with my mother.
I wouldn't be opposed to be in that family, they are wonderful.
Plus, we would have the best, cutest, awesomest kids ever.
We would probably have to homeschool them so the other kids wouldn't be jealous.
Our laptop is super-de-duper broken, which sucks. Well, kinda, it means I have no school... This happened last year too... Maybe its a sign. I could see it. Maybe I'm just suppose to work and graduate this year, that would be wonderful.
My relationship with my best friend is slowly fading. I don't know how to save it. I normally have Tanner for that. Suck. Bad time to push him away.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Ugh. People.
No plans, just ended up sitting alone in an empty room.
Pro and Con lists tend to be made when things go crappy,
Pro about having an internet boyfriend:
No parents to tell you no.
I kinda miss that.
But that's about the only pro about having an internet boyfriend. Just about everything else and the boyfriends themselves are cons. I suggest you stay away from them bloogy friends, they are no good.
To sum it all up I'm super frustrated. What a waste of a Sunday, all I did was wait.
I'm sure when I'm a parent I'll be inconsiderate of my children and their plans, but really. Seriously. LAME!
The next two week I've sold my soul into CYT, I thought it would be a good idea at first but now I have no time.
Monday and Tuesday- Practice @ 4:30- 9:30
Wednesday- Call at 4:30, Run Parent Show. Ends at 9:30
Thursday- Call at 6:00, Performance at 7 (who knows when I'll get home.)
Friday- Call @ 9:00am, Performance @ 10:00am - Call @ 6:00, Performance @ 7.
Saturday- First call @ 1:00, Performance @ 2:00 - Call @ 6:00, Performance @ 7.
Sunday- Call @ 1pm, performance @ 2:00.
In there somewhere are cast parties and sleep.. and work. Work has to be put in there somewhere.
March 4th, Thursday- Call @ 5:00, performance @ 7
Friday- Call @ 9:00am, Performance @ 10:00am - Call @ 6:00, Performance @ 7.
Saturday- First call @ 1:00, Performance @ 2:00 - Call @ 6:00, Performance @ 7.
Sunday- Call @ 1pm, performance @ 2:00. - Then Strike Party.
I won't see anyone the next two weeks.
How stinkin' stupid.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Official blog of the day
My "rest" was..
- cleaning out the hall closet
- cleaning and re-organizing the fridge
- cleaning out BOTH pantries
But I did rest.. kinda.. I've watched 7 episodes of Lost and listened to a _tag podcast.. PLUS! I did school for the first time in weeks. I feel oddly rested and relaxed.. my house is clean, my school is done, I don't have any work, I'm getting a long weekend, BOTH of my best friends are spending the weekend with me... Man.. really?
Could life get any better?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I could leave but I won't go. It'd be easier I know, I can't feel a thing from my head down to my toes
So the result? A grumpy Kelli. And no one wants a grumpy Kelli blog. That is just wrong.
Now, prepare yourself this is going to be epic.
Slowly He speaks
Hiding deep in Me.
The family of God has NO orphans.
All time.
No joke.
I had a good friend last night ask me how I was, I answered him the way I always do, with what my body was feeling "Oh you know, I feel and look like a zombie". His reply?
Why do you always, ALWAYS skip over the emotional part of it.
I never knew that's what he was asking about. That never happens. Weird huh?
Maybe I just never understood the question.
One time, I had a good friend of mine ask how the real Kelli was feeling, if she was sad, wounded or alone... I didn't know the answer. I don't think about me. Really. Not like that anyways. I'm never worried about my emotional well being. Too little time for that.
So, because this question was asked I had to think. Think about what I was feeling those weren't happy words that came out.
I know, I know, yes I am happy. Truly happy. But last night at 2... well those weren't happy feelings.
Have you ever wanted to tell someone unhappy things in hopes that they will back away from you scared? Well that never works if they are one of your best friends. Don't even try it.
The point behind this blog-
Emotions are needed. Middle child or not.
People need to be aware of their own emotions and wounds before poking around yours.
I apologize for not doing this.
Consider me aware... Thursday, you cannot come soon enough.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
YEAH BABY!!!! -Caitlyn Hasty.

A very smart man once said "We should be patiently aggressive and aggressively patient"
That very smart man is Steve Sizemore. Oh the things you learn in staff meetings.
I tried to use that logic with Zak yesterday. It did NOT work.
I cannot stand that "man" yesterday he told me that he would just call Clint about our furniture problem because they call each other by their first names... yeah zak? Well thats how I am with EVERY pastor on staff.
I cannot stand that child.
Clearly I need to try it again.. I was not a very kind person yesterday. I was so stressed and in need of sleep... (that's right. You were correct again Josh. I needed sleep) and my best friend is sick and when she is sick we don't get to spend anytime together so we fall apart... its no good. Its horrible actually. you'd think I'd know how to fix it by now... but i don't.
Today has been a better day.
Tomorrow will be a great day. Sarah is gonna come intern for me... I'm stoked.
She will be a good worker plus she is FUNNY, funny people are the best people.
So... Joshua Funk.
I'm quite the fan.
I think its funny that he won't walk through a door if I'm holding it open. Stubborn, stubborn kid.
I think its funny that he just lets me "beat" him up.. I don't ever actually try very hard... I could totally take him. Our wrestling matches are pretty epic... next time will be better.. cause I'll dominate.
I should have learned by now never to try and get people to turn against him.. he is too likable. I fail every time, even with baked goods. Plus he is funny, super funny. I'm super glad he is around. Without him I would've never watched Lost or Flapjack. What would my life be like then?! A very very very sad life. He is super helpful, which is rare to find in someone who comes to Vertical. He is pretty great.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Marvelous Misadventures of the Middle Child
like freaking last night! UGH
Middle Children
“Second born children, quite frankly, are almost always the opposite of what’s ever above them in the family. So you tell me what the first born is like and I’ll describe the second born for you, especially if they’re the same sex child,” said Dr. Leman.
Middle children are usually less driven than their older sibling. They’re good listeners, negotiators and people pleasers.
Middle kids are usually more secretive and often feel isolated or the “odd man out” in their own family.
“That’s why you’ll find that if you have a friend for example who’s a middle child, you’re going to find that they’re the most loyal that you can find on the face of the earth,” said Dr. Leman. “Middle children are like going down to the blood bank and finding the universal donor. In marriages they go well with first born children, they go well with youngest children. They go well with only children. They are the mediators and negotiators of life”.
Middle children have the best psychological chance to become entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Donald Trump or Steve Forbes.
Like I said.
Natural people pleasers, blessing and a curse.
Mediators and negotiators of life, blessing and a curse.
Being the mediator gets used a lot in my house. Pugh's are natural fighters, naturally opinionated, OPINIONATED! That's just us.
Now, some people have a HUGE problem with this (mainly because they fell on the wrong side of the fence) but really, think about it guys, I would love to like all of you. Okay... okay.... okay... most of you. Pugh's just don't work that way. You are in or you are out. Nuff' said.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Ridiculousness of the day

^ This is my I BEAT JOSH!!!!! face ^
thats right! I bet josh. He admitted that I won. HA!
I have the overwhelming feeling of stress.
what a yucky word.

so I've been stuck with this dang blog for over an hour. I just kinda sat here at stared at it for a while. I swear its the outfit thats throwing me off.
so i'm gonna be an aunt to twins, apparently the fetals already talk about my baking
(pretty sure its their mother... but whatever. Mom's don't lie right?!)
Yep, you heard, er um read right. I've decided to call them fetals until we know what sex their are. I'm slightly excited, I'm a big fan of babies and babies LOVE me so I'm banking on the fact that Kendra is gonna want me around. and if she needs me around maybe our relationship won't be so strained. I don't know. We'll see.
this was quite the random blog, i apologize. it was over the course of many hours and lots of webcam interruptions.