Bloggy friend, It was time for another date with Braxton, isn't he cute?!
Our first order of business was to paint apparently this is the number one thing we MUST do when I get here. Then its watch a movie with popcorn and then its time to read a story then sleep.
They are moving soon, its really sad. I hate it when people that I babysit for super often move away.
Kali is probably one of my favorite parents ever, she isn't just some lady who pays me to be friends with her kid, she is definitely one of my best friends. Her and I talk about my family and my boyfriend =] and work and she likes to hear about it all. It's great. Her and Matt have one of the cutest marriages ever. Not that I would EVER tell them that, I like to make fun of them too much. :) I will one day be that in love with my husband. Its too good to miss.
Cheerleaders are scary. My daughters will never been one. Ever.
Thank you The Middle for making me realize that.
Both children are finally asleep, Sadie woke up and decided that she was just gonna party with us. I didn't have the heart to tell her she needed sleep, I mean really, if I am allowed to decide that I don't really need food she doesn't need sleep.
I don't really have a reason for blogging other than being utterly bored and not wanting to read my book because I've had the weirdest dreams. I keep waking up freaking out, its terrible.
The girl on the tv just said while talking to the mother of her boyfriend "We aren't having sex, I think we should wait. Atleast until... *insert very long pause and my hope for tv networks* college" Well that is horrible. Tv sucks. I don't even like tv. Why am I watching this?!
Also, another complaint, this mother is loving on her crying teenage son and everyone in their family freaks out because that is abnormal for their family. Families are not suppose to be like that.
Tonight, when I put Braxton to bed he yelled "WAIT!! I need my blessing!!" Good thing I already knew that Matt had given it to him. But I love that he asked for it. Blessings are my favorite parenting tool ever. I plan to use them as soon as I find out that I'm pregnant. The Skar's blessing is probably the best one I've ever heard. I love it when parents are interactive in their children's lives, and then when they are all about their child's spiritual life! Oh man! Its wonderful.
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