Sunday, January 31, 2010
Best Day Ever
Today I had the awesome privilege of watching the Scholz girls, seriously, such a blessing.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Seriously.
I love the way they play. They don't care what others think and they are so so so crazy when they are playing. They get hurt all the time and are perfectly okay after you hold them for a minute.
I love how cute it is when they say my name, or when they ran up to me completely stoked that they get to hang out with me. OR my favorite part is when Cadence looks at me and say "WHOA! I love you!".
Does it get any better than that?!
It was a good day.
Webcam+Vain people = Hours of entertainment
I've come to realize that I like to wear the same things when I'm blogging, funky glasses, scarf and my beautiful TOMS. I sit in my wonderful window seat, I guess I like it when things are consistent. I sit here and explain my thoughts, my fears, and the way I see (as scary as it is).

My mother let me pick where we got lunch today and the choice of the day was Sonic! Which always must come with a Route 44, Dr. Pepper. Its a need, not a want.

this has no explanation.

Ah. My BEAUTIFUL Viewmaster, I found it today. Probably one of the best moments of the week.
So yesterday I wrote a little something something about my trip. I made it into a facebook note... I didn't know that anyone actually ever read my notes so the response I got to it was overwhelming. I didn't expect money, I didn't expect people to read it so everything was a bit weird that they enjoyed it.
Marley, today, told me that my note made her want to weep and that she loves when I write.. that was a huge shocker.
When I was little I used to think that I was going grow up to write books, articles, stories that people would love and tell their children and it would last forever. I don't know when I decided to discard that dream, but then again, there has been many dreams I just gave up on.. Dreams that weren't met to be clearly.
I wanted to be a writer,
a lawyer,
a pilot.
I wanted to work for the CIA,
to be a detective,
join the FBI,
be on Broadway.
But that wasn't what God wanted for me clearly.
I like that word.
hmmm clearly..
Mandy just asked me to watch her girls tonight while she is at Canvas! SWEET! I love those kids! I am so stinking excited!

My mother let me pick where we got lunch today and the choice of the day was Sonic! Which always must come with a Route 44, Dr. Pepper. Its a need, not a want.

this has no explanation.

Ah. My BEAUTIFUL Viewmaster, I found it today. Probably one of the best moments of the week.
So yesterday I wrote a little something something about my trip. I made it into a facebook note... I didn't know that anyone actually ever read my notes so the response I got to it was overwhelming. I didn't expect money, I didn't expect people to read it so everything was a bit weird that they enjoyed it.
Marley, today, told me that my note made her want to weep and that she loves when I write.. that was a huge shocker.
When I was little I used to think that I was going grow up to write books, articles, stories that people would love and tell their children and it would last forever. I don't know when I decided to discard that dream, but then again, there has been many dreams I just gave up on.. Dreams that weren't met to be clearly.
I wanted to be a writer,
a lawyer,
a pilot.
I wanted to work for the CIA,
to be a detective,
join the FBI,
be on Broadway.
But that wasn't what God wanted for me clearly.
I like that word.
hmmm clearly..
Mandy just asked me to watch her girls tonight while she is at Canvas! SWEET! I love those kids! I am so stinking excited!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Memory Lane
Remember those days, when we were young. Before we needed to have our own cars. Before we needed to go places out of our neighborhood. Before we weren't content.
It was the time of the toys. and man they were really the best toys.

I mean really! They were like movies... only you had to click. So much cooler than any TV you have to click the remote to now.
Then there was the coolest game ever invented:

If anyone wants to get me a present soon this is what I want. :)
Back before the days of the blogs, back in the day when we saw sunlight.
Before school, before waiting hopelessly for summer break, before we became lame.
Back when playing was cool. Back when you could play with toys and not look immature. Back before we lost the "child" in us. I'm in favor for looking for the child again. Becoming the child again. Becoming carefree and fun again.
Forgetting about our full time jobs, our full time school.
Going back to being relational.
Going back to simple.
Going back to friendships.
Going back to adventures.
It was the time of the toys. and man they were really the best toys.
I mean really! They were like movies... only you had to click. So much cooler than any TV you have to click the remote to now.
Then there was the coolest game ever invented:
If anyone wants to get me a present soon this is what I want. :)
Back before the days of the blogs, back in the day when we saw sunlight.
Before school, before waiting hopelessly for summer break, before we became lame.
Back when playing was cool. Back when you could play with toys and not look immature. Back before we lost the "child" in us. I'm in favor for looking for the child again. Becoming the child again. Becoming carefree and fun again.
Forgetting about our full time jobs, our full time school.
Going back to being relational.
Going back to simple.
Going back to friendships.
Going back to adventures.
"anytime, any place, adventure always awaits. Remember that and you will never be without... uh... adventure!" - Captain K'nuckles
Ticket to Uganda PLEASE

I was honestly surprised how content most people were at the four words I offered when telling them that I was going to a "dangerous", unknown place "God told me go", I believe that I was going as a rebel. Not with a blessing.
It hasn't been easy to get the money to go, I have 160 days before I go, a little over 5 months.
I currently have $510.68, the total cost is $4454.00. In order to go I have to raise 24.65 a day.
Sometimes I really wonder if I heard God or if I was just slightly crazy that week... but I came back and everything was Africa, EVERYTHING! 5 months.
There are some days, like today, that I can't wait to get out of here.
I'm done being content, done being comfortable, done have my problems be about boys and how dumb a person decides to act that day, or whether or not my friends are able to come over.
I'm done being normal.
I'm done being "whole".
I want to be broken.
I want to see as He sees.
I want to love as He LOVES.
I know this doesn't take me going to a different country or even leaving my own house.
But I believe I was told to go, I believe its time to go.
Its time to do something other than just sit here and be comfortable.
Its time to move. Its time to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Its time.
Time to move.
Time to love.
Time to stop fighting.
Time to stop wasting our lives.
Time to live for the kingdom.
Time to care for someone other than ourselves and the people we relate to.
Time to be more.
Time to be different.
Time to ignore normal.
Time to love.
Time to LOVE.
Time to LOVE
help me.
send me.
come with me.
Matthew 25:40 (The Message)
37-40"Then those 'sheep' are going to say, 'Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?' Then the King will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.'
Friday, January 29, 2010
If my heart was a house you'd be home =]
I've never actually had a day like this, well maybe once.. long long ago. But not lately.
I went to work, which wasn't too bad but I didn't get anything done (which is completely normal), We had our meeting with Bob and he said something that pushed my buttons a little weirdly, he said that Kay is now in "charge" not that she wouldn't be good relational (that's one of her strengths) but I don't know.. its just weird.
But it will not matter, I will still do the work, they barely took any of my tasks to give to her.
I am having a great day though, despite meeting with the bosses, I got to come home from work at a great time, and I am doing school right now (two tests and three quizzes) and I got to talk to Tanner last night... that was probably one of the best things ever. I thought they were gone for good.
OFFICIALLY DONE WITH SCHOOL!! It only took me an hour but it was a lot to do.
Man I love doing everything I need to.
(side note! I love that my boss knows what TOMS are!!!!) She noticed that I had new ones... coolest boss ever!
I went to work, which wasn't too bad but I didn't get anything done (which is completely normal), We had our meeting with Bob and he said something that pushed my buttons a little weirdly, he said that Kay is now in "charge" not that she wouldn't be good relational (that's one of her strengths) but I don't know.. its just weird.
But it will not matter, I will still do the work, they barely took any of my tasks to give to her.
I am having a great day though, despite meeting with the bosses, I got to come home from work at a great time, and I am doing school right now (two tests and three quizzes) and I got to talk to Tanner last night... that was probably one of the best things ever. I thought they were gone for good.
OFFICIALLY DONE WITH SCHOOL!! It only took me an hour but it was a lot to do.
Man I love doing everything I need to.
(side note! I love that my boss knows what TOMS are!!!!) She noticed that I had new ones... coolest boss ever!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Who knew I would be this???
I had a meeting with Pastor Gregg yesterday afternoon and he asked me to be his "official Vertical intern". As I was praying about this during worship today it kinda hit me for the first time ever... I work in ministry full time!
What the heck?! When did that happen??!
That was never actually my plan, but I guess when you decide to give God complete control of your life you don't really choose what you do with your life unless you didn't mean it.
So here I am.
Full time ministry worker, barely time to do school (but apparently enough to blog! haha), barely time for friends, I barely see my family. But I serve my Father. That is one of the best things I've ever gotten to do.
So not only am I working full time with the "Littles" I am now going to be the intern for Vertical.
5 hours a week for vertical, um who knows how many hours a week I put in for the "Littles"
but I finally feel as if I'm getting everything under control.
I don't feel overwhelmed or stressed in anyway.
Rally week is coming up really really soon and I'm not scared by it at all, I know that it will be a lot of work but everything else I need to do is DONE!
My house is clean and my room is clean and my school is ready to be done for tomorrow.
PLUS! I have some of the greatest friends!
like my bess fran Jesse! She's great. I don't ever get to spend enough time with her and things have gotten completely busy at work and I barely text anyone back.
Its not just her.
I wish she didn't feel that it was just her... but I don't know how to fix that... anyways. Its time for bed.
Caitlyn and I are gonna watch Lost tomorrow :)
What the heck?! When did that happen??!
That was never actually my plan, but I guess when you decide to give God complete control of your life you don't really choose what you do with your life unless you didn't mean it.
So here I am.
Full time ministry worker, barely time to do school (but apparently enough to blog! haha), barely time for friends, I barely see my family. But I serve my Father. That is one of the best things I've ever gotten to do.
So not only am I working full time with the "Littles" I am now going to be the intern for Vertical.
5 hours a week for vertical, um who knows how many hours a week I put in for the "Littles"
but I finally feel as if I'm getting everything under control.
I don't feel overwhelmed or stressed in anyway.
Rally week is coming up really really soon and I'm not scared by it at all, I know that it will be a lot of work but everything else I need to do is DONE!
My house is clean and my room is clean and my school is ready to be done for tomorrow.
PLUS! I have some of the greatest friends!
like my bess fran Jesse! She's great. I don't ever get to spend enough time with her and things have gotten completely busy at work and I barely text anyone back.
Its not just her.
I wish she didn't feel that it was just her... but I don't know how to fix that... anyways. Its time for bed.
Caitlyn and I are gonna watch Lost tomorrow :)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
To avoid the people in the living room
I should never ever ignore Little Ones for so long again, I worked on Little Blessings stuff all week so none of the Little Ones stuff was done. That was a lot to do in a day.
Keshia is having a party... again.. she just had one. Guess who will be cleaning up after her? You're right! Me! awesome.
I'm glad my best friend is over again.. without her I would probably be down there will all the annoying kids just out of sheer boredom.
David Perkins is in town, one of my favorite speakers in the whole world.
He is sooooo anointed and filled with the Holy Spirit its crazy.
I thought of an interesting question last night.. Is emotion a result of sin?
Adam and Eve weren't anything but happy and content until they ate from the tree, then God told Eve the he would multiply (not that it wasn't gonna hurt before.. it was gonna hurt!)her pain during childbirth and he told Adam that the ground would be cursed, and it would now be as painful to get fruitful foods from it, as it would be for Eve to have children, all of this was because he had failed to protect his wife from the lies of Satan and he failed to obey God.
Once, Adam & Eve ate from the Tree in the middle of the garden, they realized that they were naked and because of this they were ashamed.
Then, Adam and Eve conceived a son, Cain and then another Abel. When they were older Cain became angry with Abel because God had favor with Abel's offering. The offering of the best. The first picks. The things that were of most value. Whereas Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil.
- All of this was a result of sin.. Where would we be without sin? Emotionless? Just happy and content like Adam and Eve were in the beginning? I mean they had THE life. They walked the earth with God! They got to name all the animals, like the platypus, and the aardvark.
They had no problems because God provided, not only did he provide... but they saw it happen first hand.
Imagine how different David would have been! Every other day that guy was whining, but then again EVERYDAY he was praising. I wonder how different our praise would look too... how different our world would be.
Keshia is having a party... again.. she just had one. Guess who will be cleaning up after her? You're right! Me! awesome.
I'm glad my best friend is over again.. without her I would probably be down there will all the annoying kids just out of sheer boredom.
David Perkins is in town, one of my favorite speakers in the whole world.
He is sooooo anointed and filled with the Holy Spirit its crazy.
I thought of an interesting question last night.. Is emotion a result of sin?
Adam and Eve weren't anything but happy and content until they ate from the tree, then God told Eve the he would multiply (not that it wasn't gonna hurt before.. it was gonna hurt!)her pain during childbirth and he told Adam that the ground would be cursed, and it would now be as painful to get fruitful foods from it, as it would be for Eve to have children, all of this was because he had failed to protect his wife from the lies of Satan and he failed to obey God.
Once, Adam & Eve ate from the Tree in the middle of the garden, they realized that they were naked and because of this they were ashamed.
Then, Adam and Eve conceived a son, Cain and then another Abel. When they were older Cain became angry with Abel because God had favor with Abel's offering. The offering of the best. The first picks. The things that were of most value. Whereas Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil.
- All of this was a result of sin.. Where would we be without sin? Emotionless? Just happy and content like Adam and Eve were in the beginning? I mean they had THE life. They walked the earth with God! They got to name all the animals, like the platypus, and the aardvark.
They had no problems because God provided, not only did he provide... but they saw it happen first hand.
Imagine how different David would have been! Every other day that guy was whining, but then again EVERYDAY he was praising. I wonder how different our praise would look too... how different our world would be.
I sneezed with my eyes open
Man, I'm just loving this year.. and last night that was great. I really enjoy having friends. Its rather weird to think that we once had like a whole group.
My best friend got to stay the night again tonight which is GREAT!
I really like her. No, wait, that was a lie. I LOVE HER!
She is the best friend anyone in the whole world could ask for.
Last night she willingly took a picture with me, in fact it was her idea.
Haha, see what happens when she hangs out with me long enough?
My best friend got to stay the night again tonight which is GREAT!
I really like her. No, wait, that was a lie. I LOVE HER!
She is the best friend anyone in the whole world could ask for.
Last night she willingly took a picture with me, in fact it was her idea.
Haha, see what happens when she hangs out with me long enough?
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